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Carlota/Pastel de limón

Pale Yellow and Olive Green Floral Recipe Card.png
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1. In as much detail as possible record the steps it took to create your Culture Documentary in Adobe Premiere Rush. Use complete sentences.​ Try to recall as many of the different tools and processes as possible. 
First I talked to my mom about which topic she wanted my video to be about. She decided I do the recipe one and we decided to make our favorite dessert. Next, in class, I did the research about icebox cakes and then made a storyboard using that information. I then recorded my mother making the cake. Next airdropped my computer photos of my family as well as cakes I've made before and the videos of my mom. I started editing the video right after I made the recipe card. Once I was done with the card, I uploaded it onto Wix and started the voice-over for my video. I then added transitions on the first photos and added captions on each step of the recipe. And I added an intro and ending for my video and uploaded it.
2. What part of your culture/ family history does your documentary represent?
This recipe represents my mom's side of my Mexican culture. My mother's mom showed her this recipe and my mom showed it to me.
Why is this tradition/recipe important to you? 
This recipe is very important to me because it is my favorite dessert and my family has made it for years. And I plan on passing down the recipe to my future children as well.
3. Based on the learning target, "Create a culture documentary that celebrates diversity by researching your family history and completing a family roots tree OR researching the origins of a cultural recipe or tradition by using personal knowledge, interviewing family, and/or utilizing the internet.  Then use Adobe Premiere Pro to combine audio and video clips into a final video production". What level of mastery does your project demonstrate (Exceeds, Meets, Needs Work, minimal understanding) Why do you think so? Make sure to provide specific evidence
I believe I have definitely met the mastery of this project's learning target. I understand how to use Adobe Rush and I used multiple personal photos in my video, I also added captions on each step throughout the video and I had a video that was 3 minutes long with a voice over and had music in the background.

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