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The Moon
~ Landscape


1.) Using adobe Illustrator I first opened a new project and chose the portrait dimensions to create on. To make the background I made a rectangle shape that was as big as the workplace, using the shape tool. I then changed the color of the rectangle into a gradient and chose to fade the sky into looking like it's night. I then created the lake by using the pen tool and colored it as a gradient of light blues and a hint of green. Next, I created the hills using the pen tool and colored them the same color of green. For the grass, I used the pen tool and drew triangles randomly and closed the line to then edit where the points were to make it seem realistic. I then used the space in between the two hills as the path's outline and using the pen tool I drew, and colored in the path leading to the mountains. For the mountains I chose to layer it by making the fist/background layer larger/taller than the smaller one and to create depth I used the 'fx' settings create a drop shadow. Then, I made the moon itself using the shape tool to make a circle and when i changed the color to be a gradient, I chose it to be a radial gradient and chose it to be a bright mix of gray and blue and white/yellow glow effect. Then I used the pen tool to draw the face of the moon and I colored t a yellow. For the stars, I made stars from the star shape tool and made them tiny and used the sprayer tool to place them all over the sky. Finally, to make the animals I looked up wolf transparent and a scorpion transparent photo and applied them onto my landscape by image tracing their silhouettes. 


2.) Animators use Ai in their profession to help create faster sketches of possible characters and color stylists can use Ai to find newer color pallets for their clothes.


3.) I chose to make a portrait landscape of the tarot card called "the moon". In inspiration of the tarot card, I did meet the expectation I set for myself, because my landscape resembles the card almost exactly


4.) My project meets expectations. My project meets every must-have and it's my personal favorite thing I've made this quarter. I put time into each detail and I am very proud of how it turned out.



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