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Learning Ai

Helen P.S.- Drawing_Robots-02.png
Screen Shot 2022-01-24 at 10.36.52 AM.png

       Q's : 

1.) The first ting I did was open Adobe Illustrator and opened the practice page to add a new art board and then I looked up robot drawings for inspiration. I chose to make two robots and using the shape tools i created their basic body shapes and added more and more shapes as limbs.  then decided to decorate my robots and added random shapes and colored them in; I color-coordinated the robots so one has only green shades and the other as pink shades. Once i was satisfied with how each had turned out i decided to make it loo like they were holding hands before i saved it as a png. 

2.) Vector graphics are a type of computer graphics showing a photo without pixels but with smother lines as compared to raster graphics/bitmap where the photos are pixelated and more obviously in form of a grid. One example of using raster graphics is when making a video game like Mario bros. One example for vector graphics are for when you're uploading a digital drawing; you would want it to be clear and not glitchy.

3.) major similarities between the Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop is that they both have the pen tool, both allow you to edit on/with multiple layers, and both have the same shape tools but each are for their own purpose

4). According to the target of this lesson I think I exceeded expectation because I understood how to edit the shapes by changing the amount of angles and how to fill/outline the art. I also made two robots instead of just one and color-coded them so I made an extra element to their design.

 And on the website age I edited the background color and titled the title as an extra detail for fun and I think it shows my creativity with this project.

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